
  • Zulkifli Tanjung Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara



Kata Kunci:

Character Building, History of Islamic Education, Generation Z


This study examines previously stated issues using a qualitative methodology with an emphasis on literature
analysis. This method falls under the category of library research that looks at and addresses the primary
questions regarding the existence of Islamic education history among students in generation Z. Numerous
reading materials that are pertinent to the research issue, including books, scientific articles, journals, and
other related publications, were used to gather data. Both deductive and inductive methodologies were
used in the data analysis process. While the inductive approach is used to find new patterns based on the
data discovered, the deductive approach is used to test preexisting theories and concepts. Researchers can
better grasp the connection between the traits of generation Z and the Islamic Education History learning
approach thanks to this analysis. The study's findings suggest that using creative and pertinent teaching
strategies can enhance generation Z students' knowledge of Islamic education history. Student engagement
has been shown to increase with the use of digital technology, including interactive learning apps, social
media, and instructional videos. Furthermore, Islamic education history is crucial in promoting virtues like
honesty, accountability, and reverence for Islamic scientific traditions. Therefore, the History of Islamic
Education is not only pertinent in the present day, but it also plays a vital role in helping Generation Z
students develop their sense of self as people who are aware of their religious and cultural heritage.


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Cara Mengutip

Tanjung, Z. (2025). EKSISTENSI SEJARAH PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA GEN Z . Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan, 11(1), 08–14. https://doi.org/10.47662/pedagogi.v11i1.925