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Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): EXCELLENCE
					View Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024): EXCELLENCE
Published: 29-06-2024


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EXCELLENCE: Journal of English and English Education

Journal title EXCELLENCE: Journal of English and English Education
Initials EJEEE
Abbreviation ExJEEEd
Frequency 2 issues per year (June and December)
Print ISSN 2807-6389
Online ISSN 2807-2103
Editor-in-chief Wiki Tedi Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Managing Editor Yunita Mutiara Harahap, S.Pd., M.Hum.
Publisher English Education Study Program FKIP UNIVA Medan
Citation Analysis Google Scholar

Excellence: Journal of English and English Education publishes research article studying foreign language as main object. Scopes of the journal consist of :

Linguistics: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, Discourse Analysis, Psycholinguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Critical Discourse Analysis.

Literature: Comparative Literature, English Literature Studies

Education : English Language Teaching, Language Acquisition, Learning Development Model

This journal is published by English Education Study Program FKIP UNIVA Medan every June and December (2 editions per year)